Steve Hula - Broker
47 AC Call Listing Agent MLS #: 11157527
Clarksville, AR 72830 Share
47 AC Call Listing Agent, Clarksville, AR 72830
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Price: $625,000 Virtual Tour Virtual Tour
Square Ft: 3200 View Map View Map
Bedrooms: 4 Request More Info Request More Info
Bathrooms: 3
Year Built: 1973 Printable Flyer Printable Flyer
Hobby Farm only 10 miles from I-40 and the Walmart Super Center. Horses, chickens, goats okay. 3,200 Sq Ft, 4 BR Home with 47 Acres within the Ozark National Forest region of NW Arkansas. Minnow Creek runs through it. Four bedroom 3 bath home with approx 1,612 SqFt on the main floor and 1,612 SqFt in the walk-out basement (3,224 SqFt total) with a 2 yr new 22 x 24 attached two car garage with auto openers. Two bedrooms and bathrooms main floor and 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom in the walkout basement. One bedroom also serves as the safe room/storm shelter. Central H&A less than two yrs. Ark Valley Elect Co-op, Horsehead Rural water, 2 water wells for the gardens, Wave Rural Connect Internet and trash service available. The home was built in 1973 and has just completed major renovations over the past 2 yrs including the 2 yr new metal roofing with leaf guards in the gutters, misc window replacements and new real stone facing around the foundation, garage, chimney and front porch entry garden. Appliances, including the washer and dryer included. A newer 22 KW Generac generator provides backup power just in case and is test runs every 2 weeks. 1/4 acre stocked pond down below the home at the base of the high wooded rock and tree covered hill behind the home. The land is level to rolling and is about 70% wooded. Abundant wildlife including Whitetail Deer, turkey, squirrel and more. Several small springs and creek branches empty into the main creek. Minnow Creek runs over the property along the west side along a high bluff long across the creek. A small seasonal creek branch flows under the newly built stone bridge near the home connecting the east meadow for easy mower/tractor access. Approx 10 acres in goat fenced pasture. The owner has cleaned the meadows so he is able to manicure it with a riding mower. Approx 1/3 acre is a Mini-vineyard, orchard and veggie garden with high Deer fencing. A 4'-6" high goat fence surrounds most of the property and is cross fenced. $0 Down

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